Posts Tagged ‘Online Reputation’

Your online reputation defined

July 3rd, 2012

Manage Your Online Reputation

Mark Twain’s often quoted admonition that a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes is one way to describe the power of the Internet and the delicate nature of online reputations.  Indeed, when your personal reputation hits your online radar screen, you can bet, nine times out of 10, it won’t be a positive opportunity, and the truth may never see the light of day.

Unfortunately, many senior executives and business owners who acknowledge the influence of the Internet for business needs discount the Web when it comes to their personal and professional reputations. Most Fortune 100 executives know about Facebook and Twitter, but surprisingly, few actively engage with these or other social media channels.  Fewer still understand what matters and why when it comes to understanding and addressing online reputation concerns.

To help you navigate and understand your online reputation we’ve developed this White Paper detailing how to evaluate, understand and address managing personal and other brand reputations on the Internet.  We take this a step further and provide insights into the major online reputation management services’ offerings and what you can expect from them.

Click here to read and download our Online Reputation Management 2012 White Paper.

Jay Byrne presentation: IABC Southern Region Conference

October 18th, 2011

On October 14th Jay presented background and case studies for  Online Research & Tactics for Digital Reputation & Issues Management to the IABC Southern Region Conference in New Orleans.    A copy of his slides are available here:

Jay Byrne IABC Southern Regional Conference 2011 (Adobe PDF – 3MB)



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